Varun Dhawan has shared a new video on social media in association with Amazon Prime Video where he is seen making an announcement of Sara Ali Khan’s upcoming project ‘Ae Watan Mere Watan’ in her style. Varun Dhawan has started his video beginning with a namaste and following it with rhyming lines just as Sara Ali Khan does in her videos. Have a look at it here below:
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Varun Dhawan has said in the video that Sara Ali Khan is going to play a freedom fighter in the film and its going to be a Dharmatic Entertainment Production, produced by Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta and Somen Mishra. Kannan Iyer has directed this film. Darab Farooqui and Kannan Iyer are both writers of the film.
Ae Watan Mere Watan is going to be an Amazon Prime Video project, going to stream soon on the platform. Release date of the movie is not yet announced. Story is set in the backdrop of the Quit India Movement that took place in the year 1942. More details about the project are yet to be awaited.