Friday, October 18

The Legend movie review: Legend Saravanan fails to give good performance, story and music are plus point of the film

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The Legend is a Tamil movie dubbed in Kannada, Telugu and Hindi. The film stars actors Legend Saravanan and Urvanshi Rautelia in lead role. Film is an under average film with no good performance by the main cast of the film Legend Saravanan. Urvanshi Rautelia also hasn’t given good performance but she need not worry as in the film main focus was on Legend Saravanan.

Film story was nice. Legend is a story of a scientist who is inventing a cure for diabetes after he loses one of his close mates due to the illness. It is also a story of a scientist who returns from abroad to serve the people of his village with the knowledge and education he has gained. Film is also an action story showing Saravanans character fight against the mafia in medical industry. Film story is unique. Film music was also nice. In some songs, only lyrics could have been better.

Legend Saravanans acting was like a robot. He failed to perform well in terms of facial expressions and body language. But his confidence level was high on point. Movie is also a romantic story. Legend Saravanan character falls in love with a woman character played by Urvanshi Rautelia. Love story is also nice in the movie.

Legend Saravanan dialogue delivery and dance moves were not much impressive. His mouth was not nicely opened while saying dialogues and his dance moves were also like a robot. Legend Saravanan should have worked on his lipsing while making the movie. You can hear the dialogues well but Legend Saravanan should have lipsed the dialogues more nicely.

Legend movie also happens to be produced by the main lead, Legend Saravanan. Legend Saravanan is 51 year old yet he looks very young in this picture. Legend Saravanan is making his acting debut with the picture. Also, Urvanshi Rautelia is making her debut in Tamil industry with this film. Legend Saravanan is a popular businessman, proprietor of a well known shopping destination in Tamil Nadu, The Saravana Stores. This acting experiment by the Legend Saravanan failed to impress the audience. Legend Saravanan failed to express himself well in the movie. His only one expression I liked in the movie, one where he got hurt by the stone on his head. Legend Saravanan acting experiment in this film proved to be a disaster but the story and unique concept of this picture need to be appreciated. Action sequences are also nice in the movie. Movie music was also good. I don’t recommend this movie to watch. Would only rate this movie 1.5 stars out of 5.


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