Monday, March 10

Rocketry the Nambi Effect Movie Review: Science based film, biographical drama, emotions’ falling short

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Rocketry the Nambi effect is a movie based on the life of a former ISRO scientist who gives his all for the country, gets accused by the country of spying, gets punished and after facing all this torture gets declared ‘not guilty’ by the biggest court of the country. Nice of the makers to make a story on this man, who has given  a lot to this country.

Story was boring in the first half but nice in the second half. First half, lot of technical talking is done which is not easy for an ordinary person to understand. Second half there a little emotions and moments we can connect with the film. Overall, summarizing the film, only three terms I would tell are ‘science’ ‘patriotism’ and ’emotion’. Love story is not there in this film. Songs were not that much nice.R Madhavan fitted into his role really well and he also performed good. Shah Rukh Khan also performed small role in this film. He too performed well. Viewers should research little bit about scientist Nambi Narayanan before watching this film. Most of the viewers don’t even know who he was. Not a very  good film. Film should have been much simplier in the first half. Second half was little relieving. Overall, I rate this picture  3 stars out of 5.

Makers weren’t  able to get us interested throughout  the movie. Emotional connect this time is also missing in the film. 




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