Monday, March 10

Prince movie review: Comedy element little weak in this movie, newcomer Maria does good acting, Sathyaraj star performer in this movie

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Prince is a new Tamil movie release in cinema house today. Story is of a village school teacher falling in love with a Britisher. Family and entire village is against their relationship. What will be their future step? You will get to know watching the movie. Sivakarthikeyan performance was nice, but could have been better in this movie. Newcomer Maria Ryaboshapka acting was good. And Sathyaraj acting was asuperb in this movie. Really well performed.

Story was a simple routine story in this movie. Actors have done a good job. Sivakarthikeyan and Maria chemistry looked nice in the movie. SIvakarthikeyan comedy could have been more better in the movie. Love story was there, love was not visible in Sivakarthikyeans perfomrace while watching the movie.

Comedy timing failed to match with the auidence. BGM of this movie was nice. Production value of this movie was good. Locations shown in this movie were really good. Camera work in this movie, Cinematography was good in this movie. Editing was fine.Story nothing new we could find in the movie. Movie after first half ,second half was predictable. I had great expectation from Prince. But this film did not deliver as per my expectations. I rate this movie 3 stars out of 5. Not a great movie to watch. You can watch it for once.



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