Monday, March 10

Ms Marvel Full Series Review: Bollywood show feeling, Bollywood songs, India Pakistan story also shown, This series is Ms Marvel character set up series

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Ms. Marvel, this mini series of MCU is of 6 episodes.Each episode is of 35-40 minute duration.Bollywood songs, bollywood actors and their film name also taken in this series. Bollywood song played and the actors dancing to it also seen inthe series. Panipuri and samosa seen in the series. India Pakistan story also shown in the series. Partition time situation can also be seen in the series.

This series is made to setup the character of Ms Marvel that we can easily come to know watching the series. Ms. Marvel story and her roots seen in the series. Ms.Marvel is an important character of the comic book so this series is a nice character setup of Ms.Marvel.

Ms. Marvel is a story of a teenager who is Avengers fan and more big fan of Captain Marvel. She goes to the Avenger con and keeps wearing costume like Captain Marvel. She is an ordinary teenager.

Ms Marve story is made keeping a teenager in mind. In this series, they have purposely shown different mistakes taking place in the hands of a teenager. Teenagers will also relate.

If you want to want to watch future stories of this Marvel character, you need to watch this series. Because as you know, marvel stories are connected to each other.

Teenagers will like this show and so will children because this is a fantasy adventure story. Actors have done a good job and so is the casting. Actors from India and Pakistan have been casted to maintain originality of the series. Good series, overall. Not a wow series I would say, but an above average series. I rate this series 3 stars out of 5.


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