Monday, March 10

Manoj Desai explains why Dunki movie could not be released in Maratha Mandir cinema (single Screen)

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Manoj Desai the management of Maratha Mandir Cinema spoke exclusively to Filmifever and told the reasons why Dunki could not be released in his Maratha Mandir Cinema (Single Screen).

He said that the Dunki team did not send him the KDM for Dunki on Thursday. He kept on waiting that the KDM will come. WIthout KDM, he cannot display Dunki in his cinema. Due to which, he could not show Dunki in his cinema hall and he had to incurr losses of lakhs on the opening day.

Next day, he said he got a offer from the Salaar team to show their film in his cinema. He got no response from Dunki team, and that is why he put Salaar for display in his cinema hall (single screen) Maratha Mandir.

He said Dunki if it would have come to him on the opening day it would have gone houselull, because the theatre in is the area of Bollywood also place where Shah RUkh Khan fans live (Mumbai). The picture show would have gone housefull. But it was the Dunki team fault that they didn’t provide him the KDM on time that is why he could not show Dunki in his cinema hall.

He said that he will keep continuing showing Salaar in his single screen Maratha Mandir because people have already wached Dunki elesewhere. If now, he gets a call from Dunki distributor to put Dunki in his cinema hall (Maratha Madir), He would not do so because no one would come to watch Dunki now because they have already watched Dunki in theatre everywhere.

He would continue to show Salaar because it is also working well in his cinema hall.

Watch the detailed conversation with Filmifever in the tweet video attached below:

You want to know what is KDM?

KDM is a a Key Delivery Message that is required by theatre owners to play an encrypted movie in their cinema hall. KDM enables thearre owners to play one verson of the movie on a target playeback device for a limited duration, which could be hours, weeks or months.


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