Monday, March 10

Maharani Season 2 review: Political drama turns into murder mystery in last 2 episodes, interesting watch

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Maharani 2 Series is a continuaation of 2021 web series on SonyLIV Maharani. This is second season of the webseries. You need to watch the first season before coming to the second season because most of the story has connection with the first season and also charcter most of them are from the first season.

First season was on dhaana ghotala, how Maharani sends her own husband to jail for the scam. Second season we can see different political tactics and power play of politicians, how they use different techniques to save their power, image and seat. You can also see the evil things they do in their quest for power. This season will also make you doubtful about our politicians whether they are also same type people or not. Good political action derama.

Last 2 episodes there is twist and turn in the story. Political drama story changes track to murder mystery story and that story is interesting. Seems like Season 3 is also coming.

Total 10 episodes are there in this season 2. All of the episodes are above 30 minute duration. Last episode is an entire 1 hour duration. Story might seem little long and slow for some time. Some lenghty dialogues are there that you can afford to fast forward and see. Story is nice. Dialogues are also nice.Casting is perfect. All the actors perfectly suited for their roles. Good performance.No overacting is there. I enjoyed watching the second season. I rate it 3 stars out of 5. Political drama enthusiasts and politics followers should watch this season.



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