Thiruchitrabalam, the Tamil film which worked well in the box office starring Dhanush, Nitya Menen and Raashi Khanna, its director Mithran Jawahar has announced his next project with Rocketry film actor Madhavan.
This film is going to be a production of well acclaimed production house Mediaone Global Entertainment. Director Mithran R Jawahar has shared this news on social media. See the tweet here below:
After the blockbuster success of Thiruchitrambalam, kicking off my next directorial project starring uber-talented, and fan-favourite @ActorMadhavan. Produced by the acclaimed Mediaone Global Entertainment. Let’s Roll! š„@Mediaone_M1 @sharmilamandre
ā Mithran R Jawahar (@MithranRJawahar) February 11, 2023
Madhavan too has acknoledged his upcoming association with director Mithran Jawahar in the tweet reply saying, ‘Such a pleasure to be joing hands with you sir’ He further added that he is looking forward to working with Mithran, ‘having a great time, doing the film and creating magic.’
Look at his reply here below:
Such a pleasure to be joining hands with you sir. Iām so looking forward to working with you and having a great time, doing the film and creating magic. šššš¤š¤š¤š¤ā¤ļøā¤ļø
ā Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) February 11, 2023