Monday, March 10

Goodbye movie review: Comedy tried to create out of a death situation, failed to impress

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Goodbye is a movie of a woman who passes away. Her husband and children are remaining. She has 4 children in total and all of them are in different places staying separate. Only three of them are able to attend the funeral. Tensions that arise at the funeral preparations between father and childen is what you get to see in this film.

This film also tries to show the clash between the old rituals after death and the younger generation not believing it, beliving in science. This movie also tries to show the perpective of young children who leave their parents alone in their old age, trying to be busy in their own lives, firends, enjoyement, earning money, trying to build a career and enjoying life. This movie has tried to create a humour type environment in a house where someone has just passed away. That doesn’t appeat pleasing to the audeince. People are not able to gel welll with the funny emotions tried to be portrayed out of a tragedy. People are also not liking the serious arguements and disagreements and a whole lot of tension in a house where someone is dead. People are not liking paritcualrly the charcter of Rashmika Mandanna in the film. Specially her too much south indian accent ad her character shows her mostly in negative light, trying to fight, trying to argue, create disagreemanets and making a scene out of a topic.Rest of the actors have done a really good job.

Amitabh Bachchan as the father role and husbands role shines in the film. Neena Gupta as the mothers role has a small screentime in the film. I would say she along with Sunil Grover had an extended cameo in the film. Rest of the actors have also lent good support. Songs are average in the film. Music is okay. Cnematography is good. Dialogues of the actors are also good, written nicely. Production design is also decent enough. Editing is quite sharp.Stoy naration is good. DIrection is good but the film storyline, script is weak. People are not liking the story of the film. Simple story is there in the film. There are no major twits and turns. This movie is a simple family emotional dram film. Emotion scenes are surely there in the film that some of them will even make you cry. But the humor tried to put in this film appears forceful. Story is quite slow paced in the film. I didnt have a great experience watching the film. I really liked the performacne of all actors in the film except Rashmika Mandanna. But i would surely recommend this film for a one time watch. I rate this movie only 3 stars out of 5. Younger generation will mostly not like this film but mostly people about 50 years will like the film.


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