Monday, March 10

Ek Kori Prem Katha is not a preachy film against virginity test, but a family entertainer film: Lead actress Khanak Bhudhiraja

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Ek Kori Prem Katha teaser got released on the March 22nd. The film starred Khanak Budhiraja, actress and AKshay Oberoi, actor in the lead roles. Raj Babbar and Poonam Dhillon are also part of the film. The movie is directed by Chinmay P Purohit.

Lead actress Khanak Budhiraja spoke exclusively to a few news channels about her upcoming film EK Kori Prem Katha. She said the film is aginst the virginity test happening in India and many parts of the world. She is against the system of virginity test practise. She questions why only women are made scapegoats to the virginity test practise. Virginity test shouldn’t be encouraged and should be stopped, that is why this an awareness film about that, she has to say. Khanak Budhiraja says, sex and a person’s past life should be a private matter and no one has a right to play with others privacy.

Ek Kori Prem Katha film is a film aginst Virginity test, she says. But this film is not a preachy film. She says this is a family entertainer film. This is not a film that you will be scared or a little ashamed to watch in front of your family. In an entertaining way the topic of virginity test is discussed and in a fun way. No obscene scene is there in the film, she says. Story is of a bus drivers daughter, her love story, how she stands up for herself, that you get to watch in the film. You can also see little glimpse in the teaser watch the teaser below:

On why the film is titled EK Kori Prem Katha, Khanak Budhiraja says that this film shows how due to some misbeliefs in society, some religious beliefs also, certain love stories face the test of time. ‘Kori’ means blank- So this is ‘a blank love story’..yet to be completed, happily ever after. Virginity test are called ‘kukdi pratha in some parts of India’. Kukdi is a caste name. They didn’t want to offend any caste. That is why they didnt name ‘Ek Kukdi Katha’ and named ‘Ek Kori Prem Katha’


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