Monday, March 10

Director Ayan Mukherji explains the concept of his upcoming movie Brahmastra in a new video released today

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Director Ayan Mukerji’s upcoming project Brahmastra is releasing on September 9 and seeing the trailer, fans are curios to know what the story of Brahmastra is.

Ayan Mujherji today dropped a video on social media disclosing details of his upcoming movie Brahmastra. He shared different details of his upcoming movie Brahmastra like what the story is based on, what are the roots of the story and what Ranbir Kapoors character is all about.

Director Ayan Mukherji shared that his upcoming project Brahmastra is based on the story of different astras having roots in history and mythology. He shared that Brahmastra is one of the powerful astras in the universe. He introduced Ranbir Kapoor as Agni Astra in the film. In English you can call him the weapon of fire. He also gave light on the different astras having role in the film like Jal Astra, Pawan Astra, Vanar Astra, etc. He also mentioned that these astras were there in the universe to have control over the power of bull and monkeys in the universe. Director Ayan Mukherji also mentioned that sages in the history after deep meditation go to know about the different astras available in the universe.

Director Ayan Mukherji also shed light on his actor Ranbir Kapoors character Shiva. He said that Ranbir Kapoor is playing role of Agni Astra and he chose the name of Shiva for Ranbir Kapoors role because of his devotion to Lord Shiva. He described Lord Shiva as ‘dearest’ to him personally, apart from him being the most mystical, all powerful and his greatest inspiration.

Have a look at the video below:


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