Monday, March 10

DC League of Super-Pets movie review: Good movie for animal lovers and children audience, DC League of Superpets is an above average film

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DC league of Super Pets is a good animation action adventure film.

Film is a story of Justice League getting caught and Superman pet Crypto forming a team of his own superpets to save Justice League. In the movie, we can see good bond betweeen Krypto and Superman. Krypto and his super pet team have superpowers in the film. Will they be able to save Justice League? that we will get to now only after watching the film.

Good movie overall. Film has emotion angle also in it, showing dog and owner relation. Dog lovers will love watching this film. This film seems like made specially keeping children audience in mind. Because story is simple, same old story. We got to know about the plot watching the trailer only. Nothing new we got to see in the film.

Batman character and Krypro character i really loved watching the movie. Batman character should have been given more screen time in the film. Film presentation wise is good. Nice direction and animation. Animation, only in some scenes, shine in the film.Comedy in the film is also okay, nothing extraordinary. I liked watching this film because of the simpleness in the story.

DC fans should really check out this movie. You should not keep any expectation before watching this movie. Good entertainer film. Movie could have been much more better. Children audience will really enjoy this film. I rate this movie 2.5 stars out of 5.


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