Monday, March 10

Bollywood copies films from here and there, I have decided to stand against against it: Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri

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Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri spoke exclusively to Filmifever Youtube channel admin Ravi Gupta. During his conversation, he spoke about Bollywood films and a lot more. About Bollywood, he said that Bollywood is known internationally for its song and dance. That too most of the songs are copied, music is copied, dance steps are copied, even stories are copied from here and there.

He says that earlier, there was a time when stars would not sign a film if it was not a story inspired from a Hollywood film. Vivek Agnihotri says, he accepted it as a fact and decided to work according to it for one or two of his movies, because he had to bow down to financial pressure, he was newly married and he had just got kids. But then slowly gradually he decided to stand against it and now he says he it totally against copy films.

He says, my audience should know me by my work. He is also against the system created in Bollywood where stars are glorified and directors filmmakers are not given their due of recognition. He says that creators, filmmakers should be given the value and recognition that they desrve. Filmmakers are the ones who create the films. They are the oness who take the risk, and work on their vision for a film. They stand by their vision and idea even when others dont belive it.

Director Vivek Agnihotri says FIlmmakers deserve their share of name. They should also be celebrated or talked about. He says that with his films, he is trying to break the pattern of media glorifying stars. WIth his films, he has started the trend of media even talking about filmmakers and their vision. He gives the example of designer Manish Malhotra. He says, people know the creator Manish Malhotra by his name and not the tailor who stitiches his designs. Likewise he says, more than the actors,the creators (directors) should be talked about and discussed in the media.

(Video credits: Filmifever)


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