Saturday, February 22

Adivi Sesh announces sequel of Goodachari

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2018 film Goodachari has been a milestone in Adivi Sesh acting career. Now, the actor plans to work on the second part of his successful film. Yesterday, he announced the second part of Goodachari and also unveiled the first look of Goodachari 2. Have a look at it below:

Goodachari 2 film will be directed by editor Vinay Kumar Sirigineedi. Film will be shot in abroad this time. FIrst part was shot completely in India.
Goodachari 2 story will pick up from where the first part lefts off in the Alps mountains. This new movie will have some additional characters to the cast, different from those n the first part.
First look videos and officiallu the film detsils will be unveiled in Delhi and Mumbai on January 9.
People Media Factory, Abhishek Agaewal Arts and AK ENtertainments India Private Limited are producers of this movie.

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