Friday, October 18

Jackie Shoff offers laptop and internet connection for 1 year to a 9 year old Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L’il Champs finalist

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Jackie Shroff recently attended the grand finale of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L’il Champs and he was seeing the performances of the contestants. When he was seeing the performance of Harsh Sikandar, 9 year old finalist, he was very impressed.
Jackie Shroff went on to the stage and gave the contestant a hug. Jackie Shroff said that his performace touched his soul. He went on to know the details of the child and his family. He came to know that the child is being taken care by a single parent, as he has lost his father. He alo came to know that the child is the sole breadwinner of the family. He learnt that the child performs at the jagratas and what he earns from that he uses it to take care of his family (mother and other siblings).
Jackie Shroff felt really sad for the child and he offered some help to the child. He made a commitmemt to offer a laptop as gift to the chid, and also said that he would provide internet connection for one year with a free tutor and admission with a coaching institute.
He can therefore take online classes and study and also teach others. Jackie Shroff said he wanted the child to grow up and hone his skills. Jackie SHroff said he will also take care of the child’s electricity bills for on year. The family and the audience and we are especially moved by Jackie Shoff’s sweet gesture.

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